Week 30 of 37 training towards the Routeburn Classic.

After running Tarawera 21 last weekend I was interested (if not a little apprehensive) about how my running sessions were going to pan out this week, especially as I had a four hour long run session which was longer than I was on the course at Tarawera.

Thankfully they all went pretty well. I had a short 40 minute recovery run on Monday which I was pleasantly surprised with – I thought my legs would be much heavier than they actual were – could be thanks to all the stretching and massage I’d done in the days following the event.

I went for a bike ride midweek and my four hour run session went pretty well. I went along some trails in the Riverhead Forest which were new to me and some of them were quite technical – which was one of the reasons I decided to run more often at Riverhead. Waihi showed how I really needed to work on running more technical trails.

I even felt strong the following day on my hike – I wasn’t super excited to be going out – but I went to the trail to get it done and found that one of the forestry roads had reopened and I was able to access some of my fave trails – so it ended up being an awesome day out.

I’ve even climbed twice this week!

Apparently – you can have it all 😉

Till next time

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