AKA – My first trail half marathon!

Have you ever set a goal that is so far into the future that it kind of seems like it’s not actually a thing .. like it’s something that “future you” is going to do? And then that day just “magically” rolls around and you think “F**K am I actually ready” .. ?
No? .. Just me?
When I signed up for the Legend of the Peaks Half Marathon back in March, “past me” figured that 8 months seemed like LOADS of time to prepare for a half marathon, even though at that point in time I could literally run about 300m (and that was at a push .. ).
I’ve got to admit that confidence in “future me” has never been something I’ve lacked, which is generally how I’ve done so much crazy shit.
Burpee mile? Sure!
1000 burpes before breakfast? Why not!
Duathlon, Triathlon? – Give me some of that ..
Get the picture?

But this time around (because past me had become older and wiser) – I trained for it – diligently. I ran (a lot), I lifted (although admittedly, a lot less than before I was running), I mobilised, worked around injuries and generally did all the things that would get me to the start line feeling ready.
Did I feel ready?
Hmmm .. well I never thought I couldn’t do it – I just wouldn’t say I was confident – I mean, I’d never run that far (in recent history). I did do a road half marathon in 2016 but that was a bit of a disaster, so even though I finished it, I do remember I was “never do that shit again”. lol
So yeah.
But there I was on event day ready to go (all alone) because James got injured and couldn’t complete the marathon – he briefly considered doing the half but considering he could barely walk, decided against it.
Was I ready?
If you’d asked me while I was on the course – I would have said no. It was long way, the hills were steep, the stairs were UGH and did I mention it was a long way .. ? LOL
But at no stage did I think “F*CK, I can’t do this” in fact overall, I loved the course (as much as you can love steep hills that is). The aid stations were mint, the volunteers were awesome and the people running around me were all friendly. I did however think (repeatedly) “I really should have trained more for this, I’m out of my league” when in reality, I wasn’t – I’m just not as accustomed to being uncomfortable as I used to be.
My friend Lisa said to me “every event is a learning experience” so this is what Legends of the Peaks has taught me.
- I need to do more strength work. Although I could take most of the people around me on the hills (because I train on them A LOT), by 18km the legs were getting pretty tired.
- The course was hard – BUT I can do hard things (with a smile on my face)!

Will I go back?
I actually think so – future me will be pretty kick arse with another year of training under her belt.
Till next time