Group Running

I’m not a fan of running in groups – I prefer to run solo. My perfect run is one where the sun is out but it’s not too hot and I have a gently undulating single track trail all to myself .. selfish much?
But in saying that, in my 50+ years I have attended four group runs and I did not hate the experience.
Granted my very first group run (way back 2015) wasn’t my fave – I wasn’t a runner. I hadn’t done any running since 2012 when I was completing triathlons, so I obviously struggled something chronic.
I can’t even remember why I actually went along since these guys had been running regularly for a period of time. I guess I thought I could just “wing it” and count on my “superior fitness levels” to pull me through, which in hindsight is how I always get myself into these “messes”. In fact that experience is how I took up running “properly” – I wasn’t used to be completely suck at anything and decided I needed to do something it.
I went on to complete a number of running events in 2015-2016 including two half marathons.

I continued (mostly trail running) – after another group run where I was introduced to trail running in the Waitakere’s – so that group run was obviously life changing! I cringe at how I turned up in my pristine white road running shoes ..
Then the pandemic hit and although we did some “fun runs” around the house, it kind of ran right of my life, until March this year when James signed up for a marathon and I decided that I’d do the half marathon on the same weekend. This time around a month after I started running again, I got a running coach. Her job was to keep me healthy enough to a) do the training and more importantly b) get to the start line.
And that is how I was reintroduced to the group run. Two weeks after starting with her, I turned up to do a group run with people who actually ran (often) and although I couldn’t hang out with the big kids who were running fast and far, I could plod along quite happily and made my way around the course on a stunner of a day.

Honestly? .. It wasn’t traumatic, I got to meet my coach in person and I made a friend who is running the Routeburn Classic with me – well not with me, she’ll be miles ahead, but she’ll be waiting for me at the finish line lol.
I recently did another group run with my run coach – this one was designed for the community so far more non runners than your usual meet up – but, once again, no one cares about your pace or whether you’re gasping trying to get up a hill. I’ve found, most people are far more worried about themselves than you .. so my advice – give it a go – you’ll get run places you generally wouldn’t (because honestly – Shakespeare is pretty far away, and I wouldn’t be inclined to drive that far on the regular) and you’ll meet some cool people – one of them may even decide they’ll join you on your audacious running goal.
Till next time