Road to Routeburn – Week 9

I pretty much knew this week would be a write off.

Monday I got the 40 minute recovery run done. Huge thanks to James who came with me as I didn’t finish working until super late that day in order to prepare things for my absence and it was getting dark – I don’t do “dark” that’s when the zombies come out of their tunnels … 😉

Tuesday we flew to Wellington and it was just GO-GO-GO until we landed in Auckland on Friday night. Honestly, I’m going back to work for a break!

Training wise – I managed to get in my Wednesday one hour run – the school group attended a concert after dinner, so after I’d delivered my charges to the hall – I nipped out and did my run and got back in time to walk back with the group. It was one of those runs that you did just because you had too – I wouldn’t have called it my most enjoyable run – although I did get to do a few laps inside the basin (which I’d seen on TV as my Dad loves watching all sports – including cricket) so that was pretty cool.

I also had a bit of free time on Thursday so I did some of the easier tasks that didn’t need equipment (such as wall sits – at Te Papa no less, balancing exercises and some other body weight activities) – so the week wasn’t a complete write off – we also walked about a million miles each day and my Friday sightseeing group had to run 2km because the shuttle couldn’t accommodate us all and we were running short on time. Lucky I’m a “runner” I would have died .. unfortunately, now my Garmin expects me to walk about 10 times more than usual as that week set the bar high.

Saturday is my rest day (so obviously I worked all day) and Sunday James and I went out for our long run session and I ended up doing the longest run EVER .. (and at not a bad pace) which was pretty good considering I’d had next to no sleep all week.

Next Sunday I have 18km – which will once again be my longest run EVER .. kind of excited!

Till next time

Total km – 29.01 (which doesn’t include the 2km I ran in Jordans, Jeans and a Wollen Coat!

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