Week 15/37 – Road to Routeburn

This week I had my “big event” – my first trail half marathon.
I signed up for the event back in March. The plan was that James would train for the full marathon and I’d tag along and do half the distance. Then I thought .. hmmm .. perhaps I should actually train – so I added a running coach into the mix and diligently followed her instructions.
The Routeburn “seed” was planted when I saw an old friend back in April. He’d done both the Routeburn and the run section of the Coast to Coast and I was talking to him the pros and cons of both events. You see, I like doing things that are “cool” and both of those events hit that mark for me – but for my limited experience and the training time I’d have before hand, the Routeburn seemed more achievable out of the two – so I thought – yeah, let’s lock that in and then I’ll have no choice.
And here we are 15 weeks later.
I’ve just completed my very first trail half marathon and it wasn’t anywhere near as comfortable as I’d hoped and the Routeburn is another level all together! So – lets just say, I’m not quite as confident as I was last week – but that’s ok, I have another 22 weeks. With more km’s under the belt and a tonne more strength sessions – I’ll be sweet as bro ..
I’ll just trust the process – I’m sure my coach is all over it.
Till next time