Road to Routeburn – Week 11/37

Last week I managed to run 8.3km non stop on one of my regular trails (Cutty Grass).

This week, I’ve run that particular trail again twice non stop which I’m really quite proud of.

I’m building both muscle memory and confidence! Granted I can’t run any of my other regular trails without stopping as the hills are WAY TOO hilly, but progress is progress and I am feeling like I’m getting stronger (and in turn) slightly faster on those trails as well .. baby steps.

I have to keep remining myself I’m still a beginner in the scheme of things and all good things come to those who wait train towards their goals. Even if at this point in time, those goals seem WAY TOO ambitious.

However, first things first – four weeks till my first trail half marathon in Rotorua. Next week I’ll run 19km which is the longest session I’ll do until race day. I’m kind of excited ..

Till next time

Total mileage for the week: 28.56

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