Nine to go

Happy Monday …

I’m probably one of those strange people who doesn’t suffer from Mondayitus. I actually quite like Mondays, weekends are hard work, routines tend to go out the door and I find it harder to get everything done, even though I have more “time”.

So first things first .. the nine week picture.

I can’t visually see a difference in the photos, but I’m fitting into things I couldn’t just a few weeks ago, so its definitely coming off this hip/butt/waist area.

So last weeks goals were

  • Do 7 pullups in a row, wide grip, no assistance
  • Run 25 minutes in one go without stopping at least one cardio session this week
  • Do two ab workouts.

I thought I aimed high, but obviously not high enough!  I did at least four ab workouts (thank you Ludus) and I did the run Monday night.  I even did an extra couple of 20 minute runs .. you do remember I hate to run don’t you 😉  The pullups I even caught on video, I did manage to do seven during some Ludus sessions, so I was  hopeful when I did my progress update.

So I guess this week I had better;

  1. No Coke Zero from Monday-Friday.  One can per day Saturday and Sunday.
  2. Complete the Contact Tri Series Narrowneck Race this weekend in under one hour.
  3. End each day by writing down something that happened that encouraged, touched or strengthened me.

My husband is reading this and cringing … I tend to have coke zero when Im hungry (which is obviously a lot)!  But I dont think its helping with my measures, so out it goes!  I manage fine during the day, so it may just be a case of habit rather than need.  I guess we will soon find out.

Just say no!


Oh and Joe (aka Mr Ludus) is holding fitness tests soon, I’m in two minds about attending (they aren’t compulsory).  I mean, I’d be interested .. but then again … I don’t get to eat a lot of fuel and beep tests and 300’s kind of require fuel … so I’m going to have a wee think .. feel free to share your thoughts.

Till next time

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