Have your cake AND eat it too, what a concept!

Today was P day (pinch day)!

It has been one week since I embarked on the lose 5 kgs by my birthday mini mission and it was time to go and see if had done enough to be less fat than last week.

I had stood on the scales a couple of times throughout the week and the numbers hadn’t moved so I kicked them and gave up standing on them, after all I looked visually leaner and my abs were making an effort to stand out so that was good enough for me.

I also had to factor in I actually have a social life these days .. Saturday night dinner then rugby, Sunday afternoon brunch with the girls (and J) and then last night it was Chicks at the Flicks.  To me movies = choc top icecream with nuts and popcorn and since we were being all “classy” in Gold Class it also involved sparkling wine 😉

I turned up thinking to myself all things considered I will be happy if I haven’t gained ..

And people you can all thank your lucky stars because apparently you can have your cake AND eat it too.  Because I lost 1.6kgs of fatness !  Guess those 300 squat jumps did the trick – thank you ”Challenge 300” 😉

Speaking of ”Challenge 300” (see the clever segue) it ends today so hopefully you have all done or about about to finish off your 300 squat jumps so that you can move into next week fresh and raring to go!

Be sure to come back tomorrow and see what the “future” holds.



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