Awesome August – Day 11 (Family)

My little nuclear family, (me, James and the 2 kidlets) became an extended family unit in mid 2010 which incidentally was the year my Dad was diagnosed with tongue cancer. That year my parents decided they didn’t need to rattle around in a “big empty” house anymore and when we found a large home with an attached granny flat we all moved in together.

It was a win/win really, Mum and Dad got to save money, James and I got babysitters on tap and the kids got to grow up with their grandparents, in fact Elias (our youngest) can’t remember a time when he didn’t live with Nanna and Poppa.

As both kids have always had their grandparents around we’ve never really thought to explain how they are related to us, in fact the thought had never crossed my mind especially as they understood that Uncle Bryce is their Mum’s little (but much taller than her) brother and Aunty Sarah is the girl that he fell in love with, married and had babies with. They also understand that those two babies (Thea and Loki) are their cousins.

It wasn’t until one day I called out “Mum are you up there?” that an inquisitive little person asked “Why are you calling Nanna, Mum?” that I explained that their Nanna and Poppa were my Mum and Dad. I guess they had just assumed that I’d adopted some random old people. #bless

Although today’s photo challenge was;

“Family, however you want to define it, take a photo of yours”.

With a seven year old who rolls her eyes at the mere thought at being in the same room as her brother let alone close enough for a family photograph combined with a six year old who thinks photo bombing is the best thing since sliced bread (actually scrap that, Elias takes after his Mum, nothing is better than sliced bread),  it’s pretty near impossible to get a decent family photo these days so last night we pulled out the polaroid cameras and took photos of the people who make up our home.

Day 11 – Family, however you want to define it

It’s actually a really fun thing to do and the kids loved it!  In fact it would make a great rainy day activity, although if you have an Elias in your midst be prepared to have photos of everything but a member of your family.

Till next time





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